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Embarking on the Marathon Journey: A Leap from Half to Full

dr. cary yurkiw endurance running fitness challenge half marathon to full marathon health and wellness health coaching long-distance running marathon preparation marathon training personal growth through running professional development running gear running journey running motivation true north coaching Apr 01, 2024
It's a beautiful photo of an early morning run. The way the runner is illuminated by the sunrise, with the mist over the fields, creates a tranquil yet energizing scene.

Embarking on the Marathon Journey: A Leap from Half to Full

As a seasoned runner with several half marathons under my belt, the allure of conquering a full marathon started to grow stronger within me. The Las Vegas half marathon in February 2024 marked a turning point. Crossing that finish line filled me with a sense of accomplishment, yet an insatiable urge for a more significant challenge whispered in my ear. It was then that I decided it was time to elevate my training regime, not just for the sake of completion but to enhance my overall fitness and health. 

Preparing Mind and Body for the Long Run

The journey towards any significant achievement begins the night before. Last night was no different. Ensuring a whole night of restful sleep was paramount to tackle today's challenge head-on: a training run surpassing 2 hours, a precursor to the marathon quest lying ahead. My morning routine was simple yet crucial—dressing appropriately for the run and meticulously planning my route from home to downtown and back, simulating a race day experience with precision.

Hydration and nutrition strategy mimicked what race day would entail. I planned stops at my office and a local coffee shop, serving as makeshift "hydration stations" to sustain my energy levels and mimic the race day atmosphere.

Mental preparation is as critical as the physical. I visualized the entire run, acknowledging the physical challenges that awaited and reassuring myself of the rigorous training that had brought me to this point.

The Route: A Path of Familiarity and Scenery

Choosing a route along the water, away from the bustling streets and onto sidewalks and walking paths, was deliberate. The serenity of familiar territory, coupled with the scenic beauty of nature, provided the perfect backdrop for this significant run. Today’s weather was an ally—sunny and cool, ideal conditions for a long run, reminding me to dress in layers to adapt as my body temperature increased.

Running solo, with just my headphones and Apple Watch for company, allowed me to immerse fully in the experience, focusing on my pace, breathing, and the rhythmic beat of my chosen playlist.

A Journey Beyond Fitness

This run is more than a training milestone; it's a testament to the resilience and commitment required not only in the running but in life. As Dr. Cary Yurkiw, a health coach, health professional, and business consultant, I understand the profound impact of setting and achieving personal goals on our overall well-being.

My journey from half to full marathons mirrors the path many of us embark on in our professional and personal lives—constantly seeking growth, facing new challenges head-on, and never settling for what we already know we can achieve.

For those inspired to take on their challenges, whether in fitness, health, or personal development, remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And if you’re looking for guidance on that journey, know that I at True North Coaching am here to support you every step of the way. For consultations, you can reach me at or directly at 250-486-0062.

In pursuing our goals, be they marathons or milestones in our personal and professional lives, the journey itself enriches us, providing lessons, growth, and a sense of achievement that far surpasses the finish line.



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