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30 Years of Experience Taking and Reading X-Rays: A Journey to Detect Mis-Alignments, Arthritis and Serious Pathologies

arthritis chiropractor clinic diagnostic tool digital x-rays fractures healthcare joints kelowna mis-alignments spine tumors x-rays Feb 07, 2023
person holding neck and in pain

As a healthcare professional with 30 years of experience in taking and reading X-rays, I have come across numerous cases that have helped me hone my skills in detecting various conditions in patients. In my recent seminar on taking and reading X-rays, I learned about the latest advancements in this field, and I would like to share my experience and insights with you.

X-rays are a crucial diagnostic tool that helps healthcare professionals to look for mis-alignments in the spine and joints, conditions like arthritis, and serious pathologies like fractures and tumors. With digital X-rays, the process has become even more convenient, accurate and efficient.

In my clinic, I use digital X-rays to look for all of these conditions, and over the years, I have seen thousands of patients. The most common conditions that I come across include mis-alignments in the spine and joint, which can cause pain and discomfort. I use X-rays to identify the root cause of the problem and help my patients find relief.

Arthritis is another common condition that I diagnose using X-rays. Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the joints, and X-rays help me to determine the severity of the condition and suggest the appropriate treatment.

In rare cases, I also come across serious pathologies like fractures and tumors, and X-rays play a crucial role in detecting them. Early detection of these conditions is crucial for the patient's health, and X-rays help me to make an accurate diagnosis and suggest the appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, X-rays play a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions in patients. With 30 years of experience in taking and reading X-rays, I have honed my skills in detecting mis-alignments, arthritis and serious pathologies, and I am committed to providing the best possible care to my patients.

To book an appointment with Dr. Cary Yurkiw, Chiropractor in Kelowna, click here:


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